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( Walnut )



Monsoons are here, bringing refreshing rains and much-needed relief from sweltering summer. 

But it also makes us more vulnerable to the seasonal infections like seasonal cold, flu, mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, and stomach infections are very common in monsoon. During this time, it's crucial to pay attention to your eating habits and make wise food choices to stay healthy and boost your immune system. 

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“I love your rakhi hampers!”, a friend exclaimed while we were sitting in a coffee shop and catching up with each other after a long time. Another friend chimed in, “what does rakhi even mean now a days?”. Suddenly, everyone at the table started thinking about what she said. She playfully added, “I take care of my brother” and we burst out laughing. The friend who liked our rakhi hampers doesn’t have a brother, she wanted to gift the hamper to her sist...
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Hello readers! Yesterday our team was doing some research to compile another informative article for you and we came across some super impressive nut facts. Facts that made us leave our desks. It was followed by a long lunch amidst “I bet you didn’t know that!”, “that explains a lot” and “listen to this one”.  With the same excitement we had amongst ourselves, we are sharing them with you! These facts are not just fun to know but are bound to help you m...
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After my own heart, follow your heart, from the bottom of your heart, have a change of heart. Our point? It’s all heart, isn’t it? The heart of the matter (last one, we promise) is that we need to keep our hearts healthy and strong in order to live beautiful, long lives.  Most of us have made or are making an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle. Yoga or meditation, exercising reg-ularly and a balanced diet are what we aim for, but, obviously find difficu...
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Wonders Walnuts Can Do When Consumed During Pregnancy


It is no surprise that walnuts are loaded with nutrients. But did you know how beneficial they are when consumed during pregnancy? Read below to find out how adding walnuts to your diet can benefit your unborn baby.

Walnuts are popularly used to make delicious recipes, here are some hidden benefits of this brain-shaped nut. After reading the many benefits you are sure to recommend walnuts to expecting mothers or consume them during your pregnancy.

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Prevent Arthritis with Walnuts


Arthritis is a fairly common health condition that affects people regardless of their age. The two most common types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and people suffering from either have to deal with debilitating symptoms every day.

People who wish to lower the risk of developing this painful condition or reducing the flare-ups could introduce walnuts to their daily diet. Walnuts have the potential to protect your joints against one of the common types of arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis.

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Diwali and Nuts, a Perfect Match

When you look at all the Indian festivals, you know that Diwali will probably top that list. Wafts of home made sweets, long-overdue hugs and a sparkly clean house radiating with dias. This is what Diwali means to most of us. It is so perfect, we wouldn’t change a thing. Irrespective of which part of the country you belong to, nuts have always been closely connected to this auspicious festival. As you cannot really do without good food during this time ...
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This Diwali, Stock Up on These Five Nutssentials!

Nuts have been a big part of Diwali traditions, so it’s not surprising to see people munching on nuts during this time of the year. Nuts are often bought, beautifully wrapped, and shared in the form of gifts, while some of us like adding them to our food. As a healthy source of fiber, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients, nuts are indeed a powerhouse of health benefits. If you want to celebrate Diwali the traditional way, make sure that you have ...
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Do You Want Better Brain Health? Go Nuts!

Eating nuts has long been associated with having positive effects on our health, especially the best nuts for brain health. But, did you know that higher nut consumption could also be the key to better cognitive function in the elderly? Age, Cognitive Decline and Nuts Over 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia and the number is set to triple by 2050 [1]. Age is the biggest known risk factor for cognitive decline. Cognitive decline simply mean...
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Six Exciting Facts About Nuts

Nuts are an essential part of our diet since the early days. Not only are they healthy but they also keep you full for longer which reduces your hunger pangs significantly. With an abundance of unsaturated fats, protein, and other nutrients, having a handful of nuts can be very satisfying. You must have heard it from almost everybody that nuts are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Though they are so popular and also a fad among the fitness enth...
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Nuts for High Immunity

Living in these uncertain times, it is our collective responsibility to take proactive measures to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Research suggests that a healthy lifestyle can help in supporting your immune system. It naturally implies that you need to get adequate sleep, remain active, manage stress, and eat a healthy diet every day. You need to consume a balanced diet, now more than ever. A balanced diet necessarily includes a range of foods contai...
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How to Make Nuts a Part of Your Daily Snacking

With an abundance of essential nutrients, such as dietary fibre, protein, folic acid, vitamin E, and monosaturated fats, nuts are what your body needs as healthy snacks. But what is the right way of consuming them? How can you seamlessly include them in your diet? Well, you can keep a special container handy at all times, but if you are looking for more creative ways, we have something interesting for you. Even if your days are jam-packed, our easy and ...
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