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Our Blogs

( Antioxidants )


Hello readers! Yesterday our team was doing some research to compile another informative article for you and we came across some super impressive nut facts. Facts that made us leave our desks. It was followed by a long lunch amidst “I bet you didn’t know that!”, “that explains a lot” and “listen to this one”.  With the same excitement we had amongst ourselves, we are sharing them with you! These facts are not just fun to know but are bound to help you m...
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After my own heart, follow your heart, from the bottom of your heart, have a change of heart. Our point? It’s all heart, isn’t it? The heart of the matter (last one, we promise) is that we need to keep our hearts healthy and strong in order to live beautiful, long lives.  Most of us have made or are making an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle. Yoga or meditation, exercising reg-ularly and a balanced diet are what we aim for, but, obviously find difficu...
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Let Your Kids Go Nuts While They Strengthen Their Power!


Filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, nuts are a treasure trove of nutrients. Give your child enough room to run, play, grow, and develop by adding nuts to their regular diet.

From running around in the school corridors to conquering a sport, kids are always drawn to high-intensity activities. As a parent teach your children, how the food they eat strengthens their power to play, fight and win all battles, both inside and out.

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Wonders Walnuts Can Do When Consumed During Pregnancy


It is no surprise that walnuts are loaded with nutrients. But did you know how beneficial they are when consumed during pregnancy? Read below to find out how adding walnuts to your diet can benefit your unborn baby.

Walnuts are popularly used to make delicious recipes, here are some hidden benefits of this brain-shaped nut. After reading the many benefits you are sure to recommend walnuts to expecting mothers or consume them during your pregnancy.

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The Connection Between Cashews and Weight Loss. Let’s Burst the Myth!

Cashew nuts, a popular variant of dry fruits, is often used as an ingredient for recipes of curries, dips, desserts and even many delicious snacks. With an abundance of Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), monounsaturated oleic acid, and several essential vitamins and minerals, cashews are known to be incredibly nutritious. Despite its nutritional value, cashews have often been misjudged for inducing weight gain because of its calorie content. Do Cashews...
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Go Nuts !! For guilt free Snacking

Snack: a small amount of food eaten in between meals. Why Go Nuts !! as a snack ? The satiation provided by the high fat and protein content in nuts can result in reduced snacking on sweets and other carbohydrates. It’s thought that their appetite-suppressing effects are likely due to the increased production of the hormones peptide YY (PYY) and/or cholecystokinin (CCK), both of which help regulate appetite. In other words, eating nuts as a guilt free ...
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