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Global Wellness Day | Feeling Out-Of-Control? Setting A Routine Might Help!

by Go Nuts
Global Wellness Day | Feeling Out-Of-Control? Setting A Routine Might Help!

Uncertain times have gone on too long. Nobody anticipated the Global Pandemic to last over a year. Along with affecting our health, the pandemic has derailed our daily routine completely. Being away from our workplace/school, we likely have very little after work/school activities, and all our interactions have become virtual with the outside world.

Our eating habits and self-care routines have greatly been affected by all these changes, giving us a feeling of losing control. However, creating a structure with your nutrition and physical activity routines, during these “out-of-control” times is sure to make you feel empowered.

Plan | Your | Meals

A major reason why our nutrition has been affected is because we’re not planning or preparing our meals like we used to! The common perception being since we’re at home, prepping meals is not important as Food is always available! Well, when hunger strikes, we are most unlikely to take 30-45 minutes our of our day to prep a meal. Kudos to you, if you do though!

It’s irrelevant if you’re working from home or not, always have at least a few meals or parts of meals ready and accessible, for you use to create quick and tasty meals. Keeping some nut spreads, and your favourite dips frozen can be really handy during such time.

Lookout for Permissible Indulgences

Having food accessible at all times since we’re spending more time at home can get you snacking uncontrollably. More so, while playing video games or binge watching your favourite shows.

Eating for convenience, is human frailty. Let us work with this natural tendency and keep filling yet satiating snacks handy – ones that balance blood sugars and keeps you full for long hours, to avoid snacking frequently.

There is a growing preference for indulgences that offer some degree of balanced nutrition, as well as cleaner ingredients. Nuts offer satisfying texture and flavor along with nutritional benefits.

Always maintain these Key ingredients for snacking? Nuts and dried fruits. The protein, healthy fat and fibre in nuts give us staying power and dried fruits give us long lasting energy to keep us active through the day.

Go Nuts provides quick fixes for decadent yet healthy snacking options! All of them are made with nuts and dried fruits, providing you with long-lasting energy and fullness!

Keep Moving

Daily movement like running, walking the dog or biking provide structure to the day. Maintaining a schedule to work out regularly not only helps you stay fit but also provides a good break in your day. It helps you get refreshed and ready to focus on your next task!
Watch your productivity soar by consciously reinstating these basic wellness tips back in to your daily routine.

This, Global Wellness Day. It’s time you GoNuts!! feeling back in control about your personal wellness. Munch on our healthy bites and remember, “One day, can change your whole life!”

Go Nuts and It’s range of Permissible Indulgences

Go Nuts helps you overcome the dilemma of snacking right whenever hunger strikes with options that are consistent, fresh and crunchy by delivering zero compromise premium quality gourmet nuts and health mixes.

So when you’re looking for snacks that provide balanced nutrition, with clean ingredients. You know where to look!! Explore our delish variety on www.gonuts.in Today!!