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7 Ways to take the pressure off Valentine’s Day

by Go Nuts
7 Ways to take the pressure off Valentine’s Day

Hello beautiful people!

We want to start by assuring you that this is not another reminder of the upcoming Valentine’s day.

We know you don’t need that. But (yes, there’s always a but) we do know what you need.

Since this is a space where we reinvent holidays and festivals and put our stamp on them, we have something planned for you for Valentine’s day as well.

Let’s begin because we can’t wait for you to Go Nuts with our crazy ideas!

1.  Turn it into a self care day.

Let the 2023 Valentine’s be a reminder of the saying “you can't pour from an empty cup”.

Whether you have a romantic date or you plan to spend the evening laughing with your friends, take some time to pamper yourself before that.

A luxurious face mask you have been eyeing for a while, a fragrance that just feels like you or a relaxing massage at your favourite spa, trust us, the person(s) you meet after one of these rituals would want to know where you got your glow from!

No plans? How about a date with yourself? Think scented candles, comfort food and a rom com (or murder mystery).

2.  Leave online gifting to us.

We understand that finding the right gift can be really confusing and overwhelming.

You want to show your love but it’s platonic. You want to make them feel special but chocolates are not really good for their health.

And you want to make it memorable for them, the gift should last, right?

What if we tell you we found the perfect Valentine’s day gift and it can be gifted to a colleague, friend, sibling and/or parent?

A gift that alchemizes all the desired emotions - fun, care, warmth and of course love into a single extraordinary package!

Our affordable and extremely special Valentine’s day gift hamper is basically a hug in a classy, gorgeous box.

3.  Write a heartfelt letter.

There is something so endearing about receiving a hand written letter from a loved one.

The art of letter writing is lost on us but we assure you, if you find the words to express your feelings and put them down on paper (make sure it’s legible), it will be treasured by them throughout their life.

You can also add this to your Valentine’s day gift box!

Not much of a writer? You can write your favourite poem or song lyrics and tell your best-loved person that it’s dedicated to them.

4.  Get crafty.

Can you feel your creative juices flowing? We sure can feel ours.

If you are looking for some unique Valentine’s day gifts that are fun to make, you landed at the right place. We have carefully picked three DIY projects after scrolling through almost a hundred!

Now you just have to select the one you are comfortable with based on their complexity level.

The beauty of these handmade gifts is that they don’t cost a thing and you can gift these to anyone who you want to show your appreciation to.

A caring neighbour, a friend who always got your back, a cousin you enjoy talking to, a colleague who makes work bearable, we bet you are thinking of someone right now!

5.  Make them a sweet treat.

Who doesn’t love to eat desserts on Valentine’s day. The easiest and healthiest of them, hands down is dark chocolate coated frozen bananas and strawberries.

To make some, cut the bananas into thirds. Insert crafts sticks into all the banana pieces and strawberries and freeze them for at least an hour on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper.

Add some coconut oil to melted dark chocolate and dip the pieces in it one by one till they’re evenly coated. Make sure you use good quality dark chocolate.

Top them with chopped sea salt caramel almonds for added flavour and crunch. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes before serving.

Another delicious, healthy recipe is this easy to make dark chocolate bark. Ironically, both these recipes are just like our relationships, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty!

6.  Surprise your loved ones with a snack platter.

If you are planning to stay in and don’t feel like going the conventional route you can whip up some delicious drinks instead. We recommend a strawberry or rose flavoured one in honour of the day.

There’s nothing that says “I love you” more than a snack platter full of crunchy, yummy snacks.

To make it extra special decorate some coffee cups with felt pens, add their favourite snacks and serve them in a large tray.

This one is especially loved by kids and teenagers!

7.  The most relaxing Valentine’s Day gift idea.

For this, first create a playlist of their favourite songs. Include some of yours too. Don’t forget to add the significant ones, especially the ones that remind you of all the good times.

It can be for your sister, your childhood friend, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your spouse, your kids, anyone you want to spend this day with.

Arrange take away of all their favourite dishes.

Wear your comfiest clothes and go for a long drive while you enjoy each other’s company and the amazing playlist you put together, reminiscing, laughing and eating yummy food.

Here’s wishing each and every one of you a super fun Valentine’s day that’s exactly the way you want it to be - romantic, sweet, giggly, quiet or comforting.